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ancient mariners中文是什么意思

用"ancient mariners"造句"ancient mariners"怎么读"ancient mariners" in a sentence


  • 老船员


  • The ancient mariners traversed the sea .
  • Sea water is not generally available to us for our direct use, which reminds us of the problem of the ancient mariner .
  • He recited the whole of the ancient mariner to us off the reel
  • I fear thee , ancient mariner
  • Give us a squint at that literature , grandfather , the ancient mariner put in , manifesting some natural impatience
    “老爷爷,让咱瞅一眼那份报, ”老水手略微显示出天生的急脾气,插嘴道。
  • Like honeybees and ancient mariners , they can navigate by the sun , so they know the general direction in which to travel
  • But , also like ancient mariners ( who knew their latitude , but not their longitude ) , such solar reckoning cannot tell them when to stop
    但是也跟古代海员一样(他们只会辨认纬度不会辨认经度) ,这种根据太阳测算位置的方法无法告知它们该在何时结束行程。
  • In addition to “ the ancient mariner , ” he wrote “ kubla khan , ” began writing “ christabel ” and composed “ this lime - tree bower my prison , ” “ frost at midnight , ” and “ the nightingale , ” which are considered to be his best “ conversational ” poems
    他创作了《古航海家之歌》 , 《忽必烈汗》 , 《子夜寒霜》 , 《夜莺》等名诗,这些都是他“对话诗”的代表。
  • Like coleridge ' s ancient mariner , hemingway ' s cuban fisherman is a character allowing the imagination of his creator to operate simultaneously in two different worlds of meaning and value , the one real and dramatic , the other moral and devotionally symbolic
  • On the other hand he might be only bluffing , a pardonable weakness , because meeting unmistakable mugs , dublin residents , like those jarvies waiting news from abroad , would tempt any ancient mariner who sailed the ocean seas to draw the long bow about the schooner hesperus and etcetera
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